Date:2024-09-26 Categories:Product knowledge Hits:236 From: Guangdong Youfeng Microelectronics Co., Ltd(YFW)
The diode simple voltage regulator circuit is mainly used in some local DC voltage supply circuits. Due to its simple circuit and low cost, it is widely used. The diode based simple voltage regulator circuit mainly utilizes the essentially constant voltage drop characteristic of the diode.
The voltage drop characteristics of diodes: After the diode is turned on, its voltage drop remains basically unchanged. For silicon diodes, this voltage drop is about 0.6V, and for germanium diodes, it is about 0.2V.
A simple DC voltage regulator circuit composed of three ordinary diodes. VD1, VD2, and VD3 in the circuit are ordinary diodes that are connected in series to form a simple DC voltage regulator circuit.
Analyzing the working principle of a circuit that has never been seen before is difficult, especially for beginners with incomplete basic knowledge.
The analysis approach for this circuit is mainly explained as follows.
1) From the circuit, it can be seen that three diodes are connected in series. According to the characteristics of the series circuit, these three diodes will conduct simultaneously if they conduct, and will cut off simultaneously if they cut off.
2) According to the principle of determining whether a diode is conducting, when a much higher voltage is applied to the positive terminal of the diode than to the negative terminal, whether it is a DC or AC voltage, the diode is in a conducting state. From the circuit, it can be seen that in VD1
The positive pole is connected to the DC operating voltage+V in the circuit through resistor R1, and the negative pole of VD3 is grounded, so that a sufficiently large forward DC voltage is applied to the three series connected diodes. From this analysis, it can be concluded that the three diodes VD1, VD2, and VD3 are operating in direct current
Conducted under the action of working voltage+V.
3) From the circuit, it can also be seen that there is no AC signal voltage applied to the three diodes, because a large capacity capacitor C1 is connected between the positive terminal of VD1, point A in the circuit, and ground, bypassing any AC voltage at point A to the ground terminal.
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