Date:2024-09-24 Categories:Product knowledge Hits:255 From: Guangdong Youfeng Microelectronics Co., Ltd(YFW)
Can a set of methods be used to detect rectifier circuit faults and diodes? How to troubleshoot and repair faults in rectifier circuits? Rectifiers are mainly used in rectifier circuits, so the fault mechanism of rectifier circuits is related to rectifier diodes. A set of methods for detecting diodes can be used for troubleshooting rectifier circuits.
There are two fundamental reasons for the malfunction of rectifier circuits: firstly, the destructive impact of external circuits on rectifier diodes, which is not a fault of the rectifier circuit itself; The second issue is the quality of the rectifier diode itself. Due to the high operating current of the rectifier diode, it is prone to malfunction. Rectifiers have two hard faults: open circuit and breakdown. Their soft faults include an increase in forward resistance and a decrease in reverse resistance of the diode, as well as poor operational stability. After the forward resistance of the rectifier diode increases, the voltage drop across the rectifier diode increases, and the DC voltage applied to the load resistance of the rectifier circuit decreases, reducing the DC output voltage of the power supply circuit. The larger the rectified DC working current, the greater the voltage drop across the rectifier diode, and the rectifier diode itself also heats up, which can seriously burn out the rectifier diode. After the reverse resistance of the rectifier diode decreases, the unidirectional conductivity of the diode deteriorates, causing a portion of the other half of the AC voltage to be added to the load resistance of the rectifier circuit through the rectifier diode. As this is an AC voltage, it increases the ripple voltage in the DC operating voltage, thereby increasing the burden on the filter circuit.
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