Identification of rectifier diode and voltage regulator diode

Date:2024-12-25 Categories:Product knowledge Hits:302 From:Guangdong Youfeng Microelectronics Co., Ltd

What is the difference between rectifier diode and voltage regulator diode? How to identify diodes when organizing?

Use the multimeter R × 1K gear to determine the positive and negative electrodes of the tested diode. Then turn the multimeter to the R × 10K position, with the black probe connected to the negative terminal of the tested diode and the red probe connected to the positive terminal of the tested diode. If the measured reverse resistance value is much smaller than that measured in the R × 1K position, it indicates that the tested diode is a voltage regulator.

On the contrary, if the measured reverse resistance value is still high, it indicates that the diode is a rectifier diode or a detector diode. The reason for this identification method is that the battery voltage used inside the R × 1K range of the multimeter is 1.5V, which generally does not reverse the breakdown of the tested diode, resulting in a relatively large measured resistance value.

But if the tested diode is a rectifier diode, whether measured in R × 1K mode or R × 10K mode, the resulting resistance value will not differ significantly.


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