Date:2024-12-12 Categories:Product knowledge Hits:282 From:Guangdong Youfeng Microelectronics Co., Ltd
The function of ordinary diodes in light bulb circuits is to perform half wave rectification, reduce power, and dim the bulb.
When the S1 switch is connected, 220V AC power passes through S1 and is rectified by a common diode half wave rectifier to obtain 110V DC voltage, which is used to light up the filament. At this time, half of the voltage is supplied, so the brightness decreases and the power is relatively only half (for example, a 100W light bulb now has only 50W power).
When S1 and S2 are turned on simultaneously, 220V power is directly supplied to the lamp, and the voltage at both ends of the lamp is 220V, operating at full power.
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