Date:2024-12-05 Categories:Product knowledge Hits:252 From:Guangdong Youfeng Microelectronics Co., Ltd
1. Breakdown voltage V (BR)
The voltage measured at both ends of the device in the area where breakdown occurs, under the specified test current I (BR), is called the breakdown voltage. In this area, the diode becomes a low impedance path.
2. Maximum reverse pulse peak current IPP
The maximum pulse peak current allowed to pass through the device under specified pulse conditions during reverse operation. The product of IPP and the maximum clamping voltage VC (MAX) is the maximum value of transient pulse power.
TVS should be selected correctly during use, so that the rated transient pulse power PPR is greater than the maximum transient surge power that may occur in the protected device or line.
When the instantaneous pulse peak current occurs, the TVS is broken down and the breakdown voltage value rises to the maximum clamping voltage value. As the pulse current decreases exponentially, the clamping voltage also decreases and returns to its original state. Therefore, TVS can suppress the possible impact of pulse power, effectively protecting electronic circuits.
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